Could your property benefit from having a detailed fall clean up? Fall lawn care gets rid of leaves that build up when the weather turns cold and leaves start to fall. It’s necessary to get the leaves and debris off your lawn before winter. When leaves start to mold and decay, it is not ideal for them to sit on your lawn all winter long covered by snow. This kills your grass in areas where they pile and do not allow light or water to get to the lawn.

Why pay for fall lawn care and clean up services?
When the leaves begin to fall, fall lawn care can turn into a chore, especially with large yards. Raking leaves is a time-consuming task and can leave many with a sore back or blisters on their hands. Hiring a lawn care company for fall and winter services is essential for preparing your property for a strong, healthy spring.
- Wet, decomposing leaves can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
- Letting leaves sit can leave your reseeding in the spring.
- Plant diseases can be cycled back into your lawn as leaves decompose.
- Dead or damaged grass can result in more spring clean up needs.
The biggest benefit of hiring a fall clean up company is not having to do it yourself.

Leaf Removal Services
While leaf removal gives your property a polished appearance, it is essential to remember leaf removal for your drainage systems too. Beyond removing leaves from the lawn and landscape beds, Allscapes will ensure that all drains are free of debris.
Leaves and other green waste like sticks and brush, get caught in drainage grates and inlet/outlet pipes. If they are left there, the snowmelt and moisture in the winter can cause blockages and even flooding.
Allscapes’s Leaf Removal Services are for both residential and commercial properties. There’s No Scape We Can’t Handle.

Winter & Snow Removal Services
Let’s talk more about ways we can prepare your property for winter, including managing snow and ice so your grounds are safe. We offer snow and ice management plans for both our commercial and residential clients. We customize our plans to fit the need of each individual client. Learn more about why you should choose snow removal from Allscapes Ohio
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