Sprinkler Maintenance Services

Sprinkler Systems from a Local Ohio Company

Are you looking for sprinkler maintenance services or irrigation system installation services in Northeast Ohio? Allscapes is a leader among landscaping and sprinkler system maintenance companies in Ohio, so we can help you with all your lawn care needs.

With Allscapes Ohio, you receive professionally installed irrigation systems that care for your entire lawn. As a result, you will no longer need garden hoses to keep your lawn happy and healthy!

Furthermore, our irrigation experts offer more than ten years of experience in landscaping, fertilizer, and irrigation system maintenance. So, we can accurately place each sprinkler head to ensure complete coverage of your lawn. Our sprinkler systems also feature automatic settings to provide excellent lawn care while saving you time and money.

irrigation services in stow ohio

Custom Sprinklers and Sprinkler Maintenance Services

Allscapes Ohio irrigation specialists can design, install, maintain, and repair sprinkler systems for both residential and commercial properties. We can keep your sprinkler system working properly, so you can avoid wasting water and losing money.

A reliable lawn irrigation system with high-quality parts and professional installation offers exceptional longevity. However, proper maintenance and monitoring are crucial for improving the lifespan and efficiency of your sprinkler systems.

Common Sprinkler System Issues

  • Broken heads or rotor heads that are set too low failing to spray above the grass.

  • Sprinkler heads or rotors with improper adjustment covering areas that do not need water.

  • Zone valves that leak, fail to close, or leave water build up around the spray or rotor heads.

  • Old zone valves that do not turn on or shut off.

  • Controller box or timer does not function properly due to poor wiring, a bad controller box, a bad battery, or a faulty zone valve.

  • PVC pipes cracking or busting underground.

If you believe there may be a leak in your system, contact Allscapes for an inspection. We will locate the cause of the issue and perform the necessary system repairs.

Our Sprinkler Maintenance Services

If you have installed a new Allscapes sprinkler system or already have a system in your lawn, we can provide annual customer service for system startup and shut off.

sprinkler system repair

System Start-Up Includes:

  • Individual zone start-up and testing

  • Adjustment of sprinkler heads for full coverage

  • Ensuring proper system operation (no leaking or damaged heads)

  • Programming your system controller for the summer season

System Shut-Off Includes:

  • Applying compressed air to each zone so they are ready for the winter season

  • Back-flow device will be blown out if necessary

  • Shutdown of all program controllers for the winter season

Proper irrigation repair and maintenance is an important aspect of any sprinkler system. Our regular lawn sprinkler maintenance services ensure that we can calibrate your system, so it can give you the best performance. Furthermore, we offer flexible scheduling including weekends to make maintenance as convenient as possible.

Money-Saving Tips

In addition to our sprinkler repair services, here are some helpful tips that can help you save more money with your irrigation system!

Avoid watering your plants during the daytime. It is a common misconception that daylight is the best time to water your lawn and landscape. However, the sun will evaporate the water before it has time to reach the soil, wasting water, time, and money. Allscapes sprinkler systems water lawns and plants in the early morning hours while your sleep, so you get the most out of your water without any extra work!

Setting your sprinkler system to run during earlier morning hours will save you between 30% and 50% of the water you would use during peak daylight hours. In fact, watering before sunrise allows the soil enough time to properly absorb the water and avoid evaporation from the hot sun. As a result, you save significantly more water and, in turn, more money.

We analyze the area to determine the best configuration for your new irrigation system. Factors like paved surfaces, varying plant types, and shape and or slope of your outdoor space are all highly considered in our design process to make sure we place sprinklers in the ideal location and maximize efficiency.

If you are looking for lawn sprinkler maintenance services or irrigation maintenance services in Northeast Ohio, contact Allscapes today!

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